Oriente Moderno n.s. XXII (LXXXIII) 2, 2003 - STUDIES ON ARABIC EPICS a cura di GIOVANNI CANOVA

di Giovanni Canova

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    Editor’s Preface Twenty years of Studies on Arabic Epics, p. V-XXII
    DANUTA MADEYSKA Delimitation in the Early S†rah, p. 255-275
    SAAD SOWAYAN The Hil…l† Poetry in al-Muqaddimah: Its Links to Nabati Poetry,
    p. 277-306
    À propos d’un manuscrit de la geste hilalienne conservé à la Bibliothèque
    Vaticane, p. 307-333
    SUSAN SLYOMOVICS ¼Ašig Ma¼bad (The Passion of Ba¼bad): The Epic Confronts Hilaly
    History, p. 335-346
    ARIE SCHIPPERS An Episode of a Hero in the S†rat Ban† Hil…l: Ab™ Zayd as a Schoolboy,
    p. 347-359
    GIOVANNI CANOVA Hilali Narratives from Southern Arabia, p. 361-375
    MARGUERITE GAVILLET MATAR Situation narrative et fonctions de l’extra-narratif dans le manuscrits des
    conteurs. L’exemple de la geste de Z†r S…lim, p. 377-398
    HEDA JASON S†rat ¼Antar as an Oral Epic, p. 399-406
    DRISS CHERKAOUI Historical Elements in the S†rat ¼Antar, p. 407-424
    REMKE KRUK The Princess Maym™nah: Maiden, Mother, Monster, p. 425-442
    CLAUDIA OTT From the Coffeehouse into the Manuscript: The Storyteller, p. 443-451
    THOMAS HERZOG ¼UÅm…n dans la S†rat Baybars : Un héros picaresque, p. 453-463
    ANA RUTH VIDAL LUENGO Conflict Resolution in S†rat Baybars. A Peace and His Audience in the
    Manuscripts of an Arab Epic, p. 465-484
    WEN-CHIN OUYANG The Epical Turn of Romance: Love in the Narrative of ¼Umar al-
    Nu¼m…n, p. 485-504
    FAUSTINA DOUFIKAR-AERTS S†rat al-Iskandar: An Arabic Popular Romance of Alexander,
    p. 505-520
    KENNETH GRANT S†rat F†r™zšah and the Middle Eastern Epic Tradition, p. 521-528
    HARRY T. NORRIS ¼Amr b. Ma¼dikarib al-Zubayd†, a Misunderstood Folk-Hero,
    p. 529-539
    ABOUBAKR CHRAÏBI Genre et narration : la difficile épopée d’al-³ams…½, p. 541-557
    MALCOLM C. LYONS Qi¡¡at ¼Ar™s al-¼ar…½is, p. 559-573