Oriente Moderno, n.s. LXXXIX 2, 2009 - STUDIES ON ISLAMIC LEGENDS - Giovanni Canova

di Giovanni Canova

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    In 8°, bross. edit.

    GIOVANNI CANOVA Introduzione, p. i-iv
    FRANCESCA BELLINO Tam†m al-D…r† the intrepid traveller: emergence, growth and making of a
    legend in Arabic literature, p. 197-225
    VERMONDO BRUGNATELLI Leggende islamiche del Nordafrica berbero, p. 227-246
    PIERRE CACHIA A ZaÞal on the Mi¼r…Þ attributed to al-Xub…r†, p. 247-256
    GIOVANNI CANOVA Il profeta Mu|ammad e gli animali: la leggenda del cammello e della gazzella,
    p. 257-275
    El Mi¼r…Þ de Abraham en los Qi¡a¡ al-Qur½…n de Ab™ ½l-ðasan al-Hay¡am,
    p. 277-285
    ABOUBAKR CHRAÏBI L’homme qui ne travaille qu’un seul jour par semaine, p. 287-304
    ESTEFANÍA FARIAS MARTÍNEZ El ¼anq…½ en el Qi¡a¡ de al-Äa¼lab†, p. 305-317
    MARINA GAILLARD Hero or Anti-hero: the Alexander Figure in the Darab-n…ma of Tars™s†,
    p. 319-331
    CLAUDE GILLIOT Les Histoires des prophètes d’al-Äa¼lab†. Sources et traductions, p. 333-347
    GOTTFRIED HAGEN Heroes and Saints in Anatolian Turkish Literature, p. 349-361
    HEDA JASON, with a
    contribution by JUDITH
    The Oral Sacred Legend among Arabs in Israel, p. 363-388
    HARRY T. NORRIS The sacred sword of Maslamah b. ¼Abd al-Malik, p. 389-406
    WEN-CHIN OUYANG An Ethical Underworld? Legendary Con Artists in Arabic Vernacular Fiction,
    p. 407-424
    DANIEL G. PRIOR Travels of Mount Q…f; From Legend to 42° 0’ N 79° 51’ E, p. 425-445
    KHALID SINDAWI The Sea in the Miracles of Š†¼ite Im…ms, p. 447-473