History of education & children's literature IX / 1 2014 IX / 1 2014 Half-yearly journal / Rivista semestrale

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    Autore/i: Aichner Christof, Artaud Jean-Paul, Ascenzi Anna, Barausse Alberto, Bianchini Paolo, Bittencourt Circe, Botteri Inge, Caroli Dorena, Chiosso Giorgio, Colin Mariella, Coret Muriel, Dhondt Pieter, Dmitriev Alexander, Elia Domenico Francesco Antonio, d’Enfert Renaud, Fava Sabrina, Fontaine Alexandre, Ghizzoni Carla, Gleyse Jacques, Gunčaga Jan, Hofstetter Rita, Hui Haifeng, Huitric Solenn, Kaheraoui Malika, Kasperova Dana, Legros Valérie, Loget François, Loparco Fabiana, Marquis Hugues, Mello Paulo, Mettini Emiliano, Morozov Oleg, Moyon Marc, Ossenbach Gabriela, Ostenc Michel, Ouvarov Pavel, Pagano Emanuele, Patrizi Elisabetta, Perret Laetitia, Picard Emmanuelle, Polenghi Simonetta, Pomante Luigiaurelio, Priolet Maryvone, Protner Edvard, Rusanov Aleksander, Sani Roberto, Schiedi Adriana, Strötgen Robert, Vansieleghem Nancy, Targhetta Fabio, Viola Valeria, Vishlenkova Elena
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    School textbooks and teachers training between past and present
    Proceedings of the International Conference, Limoges (France), 3-4 June 2013
    ESPE de l’Académie de Limoges, Université de Limoges edited by Paolo Bianchini and Marc Moyon
    Paolo Bianchini, Marc Moyon, The school textbook: a source and didactic tool
    Renaud d’Enfert, The history of mathematics education and textbooks in France in the 19th and 20th centuries
    Jacques Gleyse, Making Angels. Bodily restraints championed in French school textbooks on moral values (1880-1964)
    Paulo Mello, Public policies for the production of textbooks for youth and adults in Brazil books: some reflections on recent historical trajectory
    Jean-Paul Artaud, François Loget, A revolution through images: looking at French science textbooks (Third Republic 1870-1940)
    Hugues Marquis, The role of old and recent history textbooks in the initial training of primary school teachers
    Muriel Coret, Malika Kaheraoui, The verb in grammar textbooks of yesterday and today. What impact on primary school teacher training?
    Valérie Legros, Marc Moyon, Laetitia Perret, Including research on textbooks in the training of primary school (K-5) teachers-to-be
    Maryvone Priolet, The use of mathematics textbooks in the training of elementary school teachers in France
    Paolo Bianchini, The databases of school textbooks and the Web 2.0
    Circe Bittencourt, Textbooks and school memory: research and preservation of the books for Projeto LIVRES
    Robert Strötgen, New information infrastructures for textbook research at the Georg Eckert Institute
    Gabriela Ossenbach, Textbook databases and their contribution to international research on the history of school culture

    University Traditions: A Resource or Burden?
    Proceedings of the International Conference, Moscow (Russia), 26-28 September 2013
    National Research University Higher School of Economics edited by Roberto Sani and Elena Vishlenkova
    Roberto Sani, Elena Vishlenkova, University tradition: a resource or burden?
    Pieter Dhondt, Nancy Vansieleghem, The idea of a university: a universal institution in a globalised world
    Elena Vishlenkova, Designers of the past and various histories for a Russian university
    Pavel Ouvarov, Who founded the University of Paris? A history of a one sixteenth-century lawsuit
    Luigiaurelio Pomante, Between tradition and innovation. The small provincial universities’ role in the construction of the Italian university system from Unification to the II postwar period
    Alexander Dmitriev, The cunning of memory: Soviet university and its post-Communist condition
    Aleksander Rusanov, The continuity of university history: a case-study of Portuguese Studium Generale (1288-1377)
    Oleg Morozov, The historical past of Tübingen university within the 1927 jubilee context
    Roberto Sani, Preserving the identity, building the tradition. The annual reports for the inauguration of the academic year as a source for the history of Italian universities: the case of the University of Macerata

    Essays and researches
    Saggi e Ricerche
    Elisabetta Patrizi, La formazione del clero veronese dopo Trento: le origini del Seminario diocesano e la riforma della Scuola degli accoliti
    Inge Botteri, Un’educazione 'civica' del Settecento: Jacopo Facciolati e Il giovane cittadino istruito nella scienza civile e nelle leggi dell'amicizia
    Jan Gunčaga, Teachers Institute in Spisska Kapitula. The first teachers institute in the area of Slovakia
    Edvard Protner, Wege der Durchsetzung des Herbartianismus – am Beispiel Sloweniens
    Emanuele Pagano, Il liceo napoleonico di Brescia
    Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia, A case-study: gyms and gymnastics teachers in Apulia and Basilicata (1861-1893)
    Mariella Colin, Un Cuore azzurro, un Cuore rosa: da De Amicis a Haydée nell’Italia liberale
    Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, «Moulding the peasant masses to make our Italy into a Nation ». Ottavio Gigli and the National Association for the Founding of Rural Infant Schools, from the struggle against illiteracy to nation-building (1866-1873). Part Two
    Valeria Viola, L’istruzione tecnica nel Meridione nel quarantennio postunitario (1861-1898). L’esperienza del Molise
    Carla Ghizzoni, Cattolici, educazione e scuola nei primi anni dell’Unione popolare (1906-1909)
    Simonetta Polenghi, School subjects didactics in the history of education. Sources and methodology. Italian studies
    Sabrina Fava, «Il Vittorioso»: a magazine for youth education beyond Italian fascist propaganda
    Dana Kasperova, Problems and the course of education in Terezín Ghetto
    Haifeng Hui, Appropriating Robinson Crusoe in Chinese primary school after-class compulsory reading: applauding a 'Kind-Hearted' Crusoe
    Alberto Barausse, Primary School Teachers’ Associations in Italy from Unification to late ninteenth century: origin and development between processes of professionalization and nationalization

    Sources and Documents
    Fonti e Documenti
    Fabiana Loparco, Ferdinando Martini e la direzione del «Giornale per i Bambini» in alcuni documenti inediti (1881-1889)

    Critical Reviews and Bibliography
    Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia
    Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche
    Luigiaurelio Pomante, Between memory and research. The Italian university archives in some recent publications
    Forum / Discussioni
    Giorgio Chiosso, Giovanni Calò tra umanesimo classico e pedagogia cattolica
    Emiliano Mettini, Citizens and patriots
    Dorena Caroli, The school of the Hasburgs
    Notices / Recensioni
    Charles Magnin, Christian Alain Muller (edd.), Enseignement secondaire, formation humaniste et société – XVIe-XXIe siècle (D. Caroli)
    Gary McCulloch, The Struggle for the History of Education (D. Caroli)
    L’organizzazione dei saperi all’Università di Pisa. Dalle Facoltà ai nuovi Dipartimenti (L. Pomante)
    Giorgio Chiosso, Libri di scuola e mercato editoriale. Dal primo Ottocento alla Riforma Gentile (F. Targhetta)
    Paolo Alfieri, Oltre il 'recinto'. L’educazione popolare negli oratori milanesi tra Otto e Novecento (C. Ghizzoni)
    Carlo G. Lacaita e Mariachiara Fugazza (edd.), L’istruzione secondaria nell’Italia unita. 1891-1901 (G. Chiosso)
    Juri Meda (ed.), Falce e fumetto. Storia della stampa periodica socialista e comunista per l’infanzia in Italia (1893-1965) (F. Targhetta)
    Riccardo Pagano, Il pensiero pedagogico di Antonio Gramsci (A. Schiedi)
    Hervé A. Cavallera, Storia della scuola italiana (M. Ostenc)
    Mirella D’Ascenzo (ed.), Tutti a scuola? L’istruzione elementare nella pianura bolognese tra Otto e Novecento (M. Ostenc)
    Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres
    Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca
    Rita Hofstetter, Emmanuelle Picard, Alexandre Fontaine, Solenn Huitric, «History of education». Mapping the discipline / Cartographie de la discipline histoire de l’éducation
    Christof Aichner, «Für Geist und Licht! … das Dunkel schwand». Die Thun-Hohensteinschen Universitätsreformen 1849–1860. Konzeption – Umsetzung – Nachwirkung. Tagungsberich
    Roberto Sani, La tercera edición del «Premio José Manuel Esteve» atribuye a Antonio Viñao Frago

    International Referees' Committee (2014)

    The Journal web site: http://www.hecl.it