Eurasian Studies, vol. III /1-2 2004

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    Volume III Number 1 June 2004
    Jean Louis Bacqué-
    Grammont, Viviane
    Rahmé et Salam
    Textes ottomans et safavides sur l’annexion de
    Bassora en 1546
    Rudi Matthee Negotiating across cultures: the Dutch Van Leene
    Mission to the Iranian court of Shah Sulaym…n,
    1689-1692 35
    Palmira Brummett The early modern Ottoman campaign: containing
    violence, commemorating allegiance, and securing
    submission 69
    Ebru Boyar Engelhardt from censorship to icon: the use of a
    European diplomat’s history in Ottoman an
    Turkish historiography on the Tanzimat 91
    Colin Heywood English self and Ottoman other in the late seven-
    teenth century: Lord Paget at the Porte, 1692-
    1699. 99
    Kate Fleet Power and economy: early Ottoman economic
    practice 119
    Interview with Bert G. Fragner 129
    Ebru Boyar Review article:
    Concepts, Constructs and Confusion: Modern
    Historians and the Late Ottoman Empire (Karpat,
    K. H. and C. Fortna) 135
    Reviews 141
    Recent Articles 159
    Volume III Number 2 December 2004
    Roberta Giunta,
    Cécile Bresc
    Listes de titulatures des Ghaznavides et des
    Ghurides à travers les documents numismatiques
    et épigraphiques 161
    Nelida Fuccaro Indigenous State traditions and urbanism in the
    Islands of Bahrain, 1602-1932 245
    Laura Tribuzio The Avicenian tradition and sound. A treatise of
    musical science from Jami¼ al-¼ul™m by Fa²r ald†
    n al-R…zi 265
    Michele Bernardini Review article: France, Italy and the Islamic East
    during the Fifteenth Century (Paviot, J.; Piemontese,
    A. M.; Pius II Piccolomini [Totaro, L.]) 299
    Reviews 309
    Recent Articles 333