Women, wealth and power in the Roman Empire - Vol. 25 Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae- Ultima copia

di Aa.Vv.

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  • Prezzo: € 150.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    In 4°, 324 pp. con 35 ill.

    Lo scopo di questo studio è analizzare gli aspetti e le modalità in cui donne, ricchezza e potere entrano in relazione nel tessuto sociale e nel contesto culturale durante l’Impero Romano.

    Sommario: Foreword; Bibliographical Abbreviations; Introduction. Ria Berg, Wearing Wealth. Mundus Muliebris and Ornatus as Status Markers for Women in Imperial Rome; Rikka Hälikkä, Discourses of Body, Gender and Power in Tacitus; Minerva Keltanen, The Public Image of the Four Empresses - Ideal Wives, Mothers and Regents?; Janne Pölönen, The Division of Wealth between Men and Women in Roman Succession (c.a. 50 BC - AD 250); Päivi Setälä, Women and Brick Production - Some New Aspects; Ville Vuolanto, Women and the Property of Fatherless Children in the Roman Empire; Ville Vuolanto, Male and Female Euergetism in Late Antiquity. A Study on Italian and Adriatic Church Floor Mosaics; Appendix 1-3; Bibliography; General Index.