Magistrates and assemblies. A study of legislative practice in republican Rome - Vol. 24 Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae

di Sanderberg K.

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  • Prezzo: € 42.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    In 4°, 213 pp.

    Il volume offre una nuova interpretazione del ruolo delle assemblee popolari e della natura della legislazione comiziale nella Roma repubblicana. Lo scopo centrale dell'indagine è quello di determinare le competenze dei vari comizi, i principi secondo i quali essi venivano convocati e da chi.

    Sommario: Acknowledgements. Introduction: The Theme: popular assemblies, legislation and laws; The problem; Earlier scholarship; Sources and method: Introduction, The sources and their problems, Methodological premises, Working with the evidence: strategies and aids. On the Constitution: The nature of the Roman Constitution; The pre-sullan constitution in ancient writers: Polybius, Cicero; The constitutional reforms of Sulla. The legislative activity of Roman magistrates: a critical survey of the evidence: The attribution of Republican statutes; The evidence of technical terminology: Technical Terminology in Latin and Greek sources, The Material: a survey; The evidence of law titles: Designations of Roman Laws - classical and modern, The material: a survey; Non-tribunician laws of the period 367-88 bC: other indicators of legislative activity considered; Synopsis. Legislation in the period 367-88 bC: an interpretation of the evidence: The role of the magistrates; The use of the legislative assemblies: curiae and centuriae, Tribal legislation: concilium or comitia?; The mechanics of comitial legislation: conclusions. The historical evolution of comitial legislation in the Republic: Introduction; Non-tribunician legislation in the Early Republic; Extra pomerium and intra pomerium: the topography of comitial legislation: The pomerium and the competence of the assemblies, The comitia centuriata: A strictly military assembly?; The ascendancy of the tribunes of the plebs: Early tribunician legislation, The decline of consular legislation, The changing role of the tribal assembly; An uneasy model of legislation? The balance of political power considered. Summary: Appendix I: List of Roman magistrates attested as promulgatores or rogatores legum. Appendix II: inventory of nominatim references to Roman statutes in classical sources. Abbreviations, sources and bibliography. Index nominum.