The Temple of Apollo "In Circo" And the Creation of an Augustan Architectural Language - Alessandro Viscogliosi


  • Anno Edizione:
  • 2023
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  • Prezzo: € 150.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    Traduzione di Philip Ditchfield

    Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma. Supplementi, 30
    2023, 248 pp., 229 ill. b/n
    Copertina cartonata con sovraccoperta, 21 x 28 cm
    ISBN: 9788891324221
    ISSN: 2037-8548

    This book draws together the results of a series of preliminary investigations based on the excavations and the scholarly publication of the Temple of Apollo in the Circus Flaminius in Rome. The study includes a re-examination of everything that has been published so far, comprising all the visible remains pertaining to the various test trenches and the relative re-leveling of the area and of the materials found therein.