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    Badalkhan, Sabir, Gian Pietro Basello and Matteo de Chiara (eds.). 2020. Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi. Napoli: UniorPress.

    Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi collects more than fifty essays by foremost scholars and young researchers from South Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the USA. The topics range from Iranian philology and linguistics to history and archaeology. This two-part Festschrift is offered to Adriano V. Rossi by the Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies of “L’Orientale” University of Naples (Italy) and is introduced with a foreword by Elda Morlicchio (Rector) and Michele Bernardini (Head of the Depart ment).

    Table of Contents:

    Editors’ Foreword
    BRUNO GENITO: Adriano Valerio Rossi e “L’Orientale” di Napoli
    MATTEO DE CHIARA: Bibliography of Adriano Valerio Rossi
    Part ONE
    SALMAN ALIYARI BABOLGHANI: Is Lakī a Kurdish Dialect?
    VICTORIA ARAKELOVA: On the Names of God in the Yezidi Tradition
    GARNIK ASATRIAN: “Lightning” in Western New Iranian
    ALIREZA ASKARI CHAVERDI: A Joint Base for the Cultural Heritage of Fars
    SABIR BADALKHAN: Singer of Tales: Story of a Baloch Minstrel. How he was Discovered in his Early Age as a Future Epic Singer
    SARA BELELLI: ‘La ragazza di feltro’ e ‘La ragazza di legno’: due fiabe kurde meridionali del tipo ATU 510B
    MARIA CARMELA BENVENUTO: Iranian Color Terms in Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria
    VAHE S. BOYAJIAN: Etymological Notes on Some Toponyms in Iranian Balochistan
    PIERFRANCESCO CALLIERI: Archaeological Notes on “Achaemenid” Anshan
    CARLO G. CERETI: Mithra nell’onomastica medio-iranica
    IRIS COLDITZ: Neues Licht auf ein altes Fragment: M20
    FRANCO CREVATIN: Ancora sulle ‘migrazioni’ indo-europee (e sui limiti della conoscenza)
    SIMONE CRISTOFORETTI: L’era di Alessandro IV Aegus in un manoscritto pomponiano di fine Quattrocento
    JULIEN CUNY: A Short Note from the Louvre-DARIOSH Project: Cylindrical Column Bases from Achaemenid Susa and Elsewhere
    ROBERTO DAN: Il ruolo dei simboli nella costruzione dello stato: il caso di Bia/Urarṭu
    MATTEO DE CHIARA, ROBERTO MICHELI & LUCA MARIA OLIVIERI: Pašto mečəń مٻچن ‘hand-mill, quern’. Linguistic and archaeological notes on rotary querns
    JULIAN DEGEN & ROBERT ROLLINGER: How Greek the Medes were? Herodotus’ medikos logos, Athens and the transformation of empire from symmachia to arche
    ELA FILIPPONE: The Orders of the King: Reported Directive Quotations in the Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions
    MARIA VITTORIA FONTANA: Quṣayr ʿAmra, ca 740 CE: amīr al-Walīd Reclining and Dressed in Accordance with Iranian Fashion
    BRUNO GENITO: The Medes: Still an Historical-Archaeological Question
    PHILIPPE GIGNOUX: La refonte de la fonction d’Hērbed dans l’Iran sassanide et post-sassanide
    FRANTZ GRENET: Le contrat de mariage sogdien du Mont Mugh (Mugh Nov. 3 – 4) : quelques nouvelles hypothèses
    CARINA JAHANI: The Balochi Language as a Garden. An Attempt to Create a Standard for Written Balochi
    JEAN KELLENS: Exégèse et grammaire : le destin de l’Ahuna Vairiia
    AGNES KORN: Kinship Terms in Balochi: A Patchwork Family
    GILBERT LAZARD: Traduire, transcrire en vieux-perse
    CLAUDIA LEURINI: Evidence of a Syriac Diatessaron in Mani’s Šabūhragān
    ROMOLO LORETO: Gli Achemenidi e l’Arabia. Stato della questione
    PAVEL B. LURJE: Etymologies of Selected Terms for Weapons in Chorasmian
    MAURO MAGGI: Annotations on the Book of Zambasta, VI: Ronald E. Emmerick’s *nvāta- and Persian navāxtan
    MARCO MANCINI: Middle-Persian Morphology and Old Persian Masks: Some Reflections on “Proto-Middle Persian”
    ENRICO MORANO: A Miserable Scrap
    ANTONELLA MURATGIA: The Asian Section of “L’Orientale” University Library: The Persian Manuscripts
    MARYAM NOURZAEI: The Emergence of Definiteness in Koroshi
    PAOLO OGNIBENE: Incontri e scontri di culture a nord del mar Nero. Sui cosiddetti nomi “barbarici” nelle iscrizioni del Ponto
    ANTONIO PANAINO: Il tempo e le sue “parti” nel mondo iranico antico. Avestico yār- “anno”, aiiar-/aiiane azan-/asn- “giorno”
    STEFANO PELLÒ: The Husayni Brahmins and Other Poor Persian Speakers: Standardizing Language and Devotion in Mīrzā Qatīl
    ANDREA PIRAS: Kirdīr, Mani e la sigillografia. Autorità, potere e conflitti tra scritture nell’Iran sassanide
    FLAVIA POMPEO: Il persiano antico tra conservazione e innovazione: considerazioni sulle costruzioni impersonali nelle iscrizioni achemenidi
    ENRICO G. RAFFAELLI: Yašts and Bayān Yašts: Observations on the History of the Avestan Hymns
    HASSAN RAHSAZ: A Lapis Lazuli like Object Found during the Excavation of the Canals of the Persepolis Terrace in 1381 [2002-2003]
    CÉLINE REDARD: « Y72.11 : un final qui n’en est pas un !»
    HASSAN REZAI BAGHBIDI: The Commemorative Coin of Wahbarz, the Fratarak of Pārs
    GIORGIO ROTA: Storm in the Desert: Baluch against Safavids at the End of the 17th Century
    VELIZAR SADOVSKI: Performative Speech Acts in Indo-Iranian Sacred Jurisprudence. Between Ritual Formulation, Pragmatic Application and Political Resemanticization
    GIANCARLO SCHIRRU: Un processo di neutralizzazione dell’armeno orientale
    RÜDIGER SCHMITT: Zu den Personennamen der aramäischen Dokumente aus Baktrien
    MARTIN SCHWARTZ: On Gathic rāna-
    FRANCESCO SFERRA: CUL Add.1708.2: Frammento di un commento inedito alla Mañjuśrīnāmasaṅgīti
    SHAUL SHAKED: Some lexical items in Middle Persian, I. pursišnīg
    GAGA SHURGAIA: L’edificante storia di Barlaam e Ioasaph: ὑπό, παρά oppure ὑπὲρ Εὐθυμίου?
    NICHOLAS SIMS-WILLIAMS: Dual and Numerative in Middle and New Iranian
    ANTONIA SORIENTE: I prestiti persiani in indonesiano. Bausani cinquant’anni dopo
    BRIAN SPOONER: Balochi and the Baloch. A Socio-Linguistic Puzzle
    ROBERTO TOTTOLI: The Persian Language (al-fārisiyya) in Some Early Islamic Sources
    AMIR ZEYGHAMI Gēlakūn. An Armenian Place-Name in Niẓāmīʼs Khosrow u Šīrīn