ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS. Millenarian messages in the Eternal City - Project Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (III-I BC) - Epigraphein, 1

di Ignacio Simon Cornago

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    In 8°, 50 pp., colours photos

    Ignacio Simón Cornago - Edizione disponibile in lingua spagnola, inglese e italiana.

    Proyecto PEAI: Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (III-I BC)
    Marie Sklodowska Curie, Grant agreement Nº 794476
    European Union’s Horizon 2020

    On the streets of Rome there are not only posters, advertising hoardings or plaques bearing the names of avenues, but you can also read texts that were written two thousand years ago. For example, you can find the name of Agrippa on the Pantheon’s façade, or that of the Emperor Titus on the triumphal arch in the Forum. The Romans were the first to use these types of texts engraved on stone consistently. They called them tituli and today they are known as inscriptions. They were engraved on durable materials to ensure their survival and they were placed in public spaces to maximize the circulation of their message. The Romans even developed the ideal script for writing on stone, capitalis quadrata, which is characterized by its elegance and legibility. This monumental form of writing was used to create solemn timeless messages, that became so popular they ended up inundating the city of Rome. This book explains why the Romans used these inscriptions and what they were used for. To do so it draws on the views of the Romans themselves – Cicero and Pliny amongst others – , which are illustrated with some of the most renowned inscriptions that can still be found on the streets of Rome.