ΜΕΓΙΣΤΗ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΙΣΤΗ ΝΗΣΟΣ - Symposium on Archaeology of Sicily. University of São Paulo, 3-5 April 2019 (L. Fuduli - V. Lo Monaco)


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    In 4°, bross. edit. con bandelle, 202 pp., ill.ni in b/n

    Proceedings of Symposium on Archaeology of Sicily. University of São Paulo, 3-5 April 2019
    Editors: L. Fuduli - V. Lo Monaco

    Sicily has always been a land desired by many peoples and enriched by the presence of different cultures and so today offers an unparalleled cultural richness. In the current historical moment, so delicate and polemical, in which the debate on immigration politics and on integration of new components from different cultures, looking at the past of Sicily, through the lens of archaeological studies, certainly raises important considerations which may contribute to our reflection on social and cultural changes caused by human coexistence.
    Μεγίστη καὶ ἀρίστη νῆσος is the title of this symposium dedicated to the Archeology of Sicily, which was held at the University of São Paulo from 3 to 5 April 2019. Taken from Strabo (Geog. II, 5, 19), this expression is contextualized when this ancient author describes the main islands of the Occidental Mediterranean: “On the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea to the coast of Liguria there are many islands, the largest of which are Sardinia and Cirno, and then Sicily: this is the greatest and the noblest among other [islands] that are among us”. Strabo was a Greek man, born in a city of Turkey, but educated in a Hellenic context, therefore, his perspective agrees with the universalist concept of the Roman Empire. He does not express an aesthetic opinion about the island, but in the passage quoted above one notices the complexity of a land, a place of crucial events in the history of the Mediterranean, that is a palimpsest of cultures, inhabited since the “Time of the Myth”. Therefore, in our perspective, the name chosen for this symposium characterizes Sicily in each period, since its location in the Mediterranean, its resources and its cultural wealth made it a desirable land at any time in history.

    M. B. Borba Florenza, Greeks and non-Greeks in Central Sicily: the evidence of coins
    V. Lo Monaco, Greek and non-Greek entanglement in Central Sicily (7th-4th century BCE)
    M. C. Nicolau Kormikiari, Carthaginian monetary production and circulation in Sicily: the beginning of an economic domination process in the Central-Mediterranean Punic eparchia
    M. Trümper, Gymnasia in Hellenistic and Roman Sicily. Reassessment of Typology and Function
    F. Muscolino, La Sicilia nel contesto mediterraneo tra la conquista romana di Siracusa (212 a.C.) e la prima età imperiale
    L. Campagna, Le città della Sicilia nella prima età imperiale. Considerazioni sulla periodizzazione a partire dal caso di Taormina
    A. Burgio, The countryside in Sicily under the Roman Empire: archaeological survey and methodological approach, settlements and resources
    L. Fuduli, Late antique Halaesa: abandonment, spoliation, upcycling
    F. Maurici, Una città siciliana e il suo porto dai Bizantini a Filippo II: Trapani
    A. Alfano, Il Paesaggio Archeologico tra le valli dello Jato e del Belìce Destro nel Medioevo.
    R. Brancato, Rural landscapes from the Hellenistic to the Late Roman period in the Plain of Catania (SE Sicily)
    F. Caruso, Early Christian Churches in Syracuse (4th–7th century AD): state of the art and open issues
    M. Congiu, S. Muratore, G. Calà, Gela e il territorio circostante: un nuovo insediamento sul Monte Gricuzzo di Butera (CL)
    G. Guzzetta, M. A. Vicari Sottosanti, Coin hoards of the 3rd-5th centuries CE from Eastern and Southeastern Sicily
    L. de Angelo Laky, Political and Identity Uses of Monetary Images of Zeus and his Attributes from Sicilian Poleis during the Classical Period
    M. Sfacteria, F. La Torre, E. Vaccaro, Philosophiana and the Catina-Agrigentum Road: New Research Perspectives on the Augustan Politics in Sicily
    R. Araújo de Lima, F. Leonardo Ferreira, A. P. Freitas, A Brief Reflection on Demeter and Kore Receiving Communities, Sanctuaries and Objects: A Memorial Tribute to Danilo Tabone
    M. T. Magro, M. S. Scaravilli, Indigenous presence in the Alcantara Valley (Messina)
    A. M. Manenti, Anelli digitali in età greca, arcaica e classica nel Medagliere di Siracusa
    V. Platania, Instrumenta Domestica. Glass finds in territory of Catania from Archaic to Late Roman period
    M. Serino, Attic Influences, Italiote Experiences. The Beginnings of Red-figure Pottery Production in Sicily
    V. Spinella, Catania from Antiquity to Early Middle Ages. Continuity and changes.