Archaeology of the Manuscript Book of the Italian Renaissance - Albert Derolez (Conferenza, 32)

di Albert DEROLEZ

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    In 8°, bross. edit., 198 pp., a coll. e b/n

    The Writings of Albert Derolez

    1. Introduction: The Quantitative Study of Manuscripts
    2. Dated Manuscripts
    3. Humanistic Manuscripts
    4. Previous Work as Basis for the Present Study
    5. Criticism
    6. Should the Quantitative Study of Humanistic Manuscripts include the Decoration?
    7. Amplifying the Corpus by including the Data recorded in Manoscritti datati d’Italia
    8. The Present Book
    9. Quire Structures
    10. Ruling: General
    11. Ruling Types
    12. Ruling Techniques
    13. Ruling Types and Ruling Techniques
    14. Two-Column Rulings
    15. Rulings for Layout with Long Lines
    16. The Problem of Identical Rulings
    17. Manuscripts produced in Lombardy
    18. Manuscripts produced in Northeast Italy
    19. Manuscripts produced in Emilia
    20. Manuscripts produced in Tuscany
    21. Manuscripts produced in Latium
    22. Manuscripts produced in Naples
    23. Epilogue
    Catalogue of the Professional Scribes and their Manuscripts studied in the Present Book
    Index of Schribes, Commisioners and Editors

    Albert Derolez is Emeritus Professor at the Free Universities of Brussels; he was formerly Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books at the Library of the State University of Ghent. He is the author of The Palaeography of Gothic Manuscript Books from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century (2003) and other books, and he is Past President of the Comité international de paléographie latine. He holds the Kenneth and Shirley Rendell Chair in Manuscript Studies at Rare Book School.