Quaderni di Studi Arabi n. s. 10 - 2015 - Islamic Sicily Philological and Literary Essays

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    a cura di Mirella Cassarino 
    Supplemento Quaderni di Studi Arabi n. 10 - 2015 - La Poesia Araba. Studi e prospettive di ricerca

    In 8°, bross. edit.., pp. 280


    Studies on Islamic Sicily: The Last Fifteen Years (Mirella Cassarino)

    Brigitte FOULON, Analyse de la figure du poète d'origine sicilienne Ibn Hamdis dans la Dahira d'Ibn Bassam et le Nafh al-tib d'al-Maqqari

    Nicola CARPENTIERI, At War with the Age: Ring Composition in Ibn Hamdis n. 27

    Francesca Maria CORRAO, The Poetic of Exile in the Siculo-Arab Poet Ibn Hamdis

    Ilenia LICITRA, L'ode del disinganno: intimismo e retorica nei versi di Ibn Qalaqis

    Arie SCHIPPERS, Arabic and Hebrew Love Poetry in Sicily in the Middle Ages and their Contacts with Early Romance and German Poets in Sicily: Suffering of Love in Sicilian Poetry

    Francesca BELLINO, Animal Fables in the Sulwan al-Muta' by Ibn Zafar al-Siqilli

    Mirella CASSARINO, Arabic Epistolography in Sicily: the Case of Ibn al-Sabbag al-Siqilli

    Oriana CAPEZIO, Il trattato di metrica Kitab al-Bari'fi 'ilm al-'arud di Ibn al-Qatta'

    Francesco GRANDE, Aspetti semantici e diacronici dell'analisi morfologica di Ibn al-Qatta'

    Cristina LA ROSA, Alcune ricette per la preparazione degli inchiostri hibr e midad tratte dal Libro del Siciliano: Traduzione del testo e osservazioni

    * * *

    Amir LERNER, Arabic Literary Refinement and the Arabian Nights: The Seventeenth-Centuty Neglected Case of al-Shirbini's Hazz Al-Quhuf

    Veronika RITT-BENMIMOUN, Images of Women in the Contemporary Vernacular Poetry of Southern Tunisia

    Simone SIBILIO, Tra gli echi del passato. Lo spazio aperto del testo di Munsif al-Wahaybi


    J.OWENS (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, 2013 (F. Grande);

    G. LANCIONI, L. BETTINI (eds.), The Word in Arabic, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2011 (M. Cassarino);

    F. CORRIENTE, C. PEREIRA, À. VICENTE, Aperçu grammatical du faisceau dialectal arabe andalou. Perspectives synchroniques, diachroniques et panchroniques, Encyclopédie linguistique d'al-Andalus, vol. 1, Berlin Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 (C. La Rosa);

    C. HOLES & R. DE JONG (eds.), Ingham of Arabia. A collection of articles presented as a tribute to the career of Bruce Ingham, Leiden: Brill, 2013 (R. Morano);

    P. LARCHER, Le Brigand et l'amante Deux poèmes préislamiques de Ta'abbata Sharran et Imru' al-Qays, Paris - Arles: Sindbad/Actes Sud, 2012 (A. Ghersetti);

    ABÙ KABIR AL-HUDHALI, Zuhayra! Quatre poèmes à sa fille sur la vieillesse et la mort. Édition bilingue par P. Larcher, Paris - Arles: Sindbad/Actes Sud, 2014 (A. Ghersetti);

    AL-QADI AL-QUDA'I, A Treasury of Virtues. Sayings, Sermons and Teachings of 'Ali with One Hundred Proverbs Attributed to al-Jahiz, ed. T. Qutbuddin, New York London: New York University Press, 2013 (F. Bellino);

    O. ARABI, D.S. POWERS & S. A. SPECTORSKY (eds.), Islamic Legal Thought. A Compendium of Muslim Jurists, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2013 (I. Zilio Grandi);

    D. McMURRAY - A. UFHEIL-SOMERS (eds.), The Arab Revolts. Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East, Bloomington Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2013 (M. Campanini);

    AL-MANSUR, The Shi'i Imamate. A Fatimid Interpretation, ed. and transl. S. Makarem, London: I.B. Tauris, 2013 (C. La Martire);

    S. JIWA, The Founder of Cairo. The Fatimid Imam-Caliph al-Mu'izz and His Era, London: I.B. Tauris, 2013 (C. La Martire);

    V. COMERRO, Les traditions sur la constitution du mushaf de 'Uthman, Beirut: Orient- Institut; Wurzburg: Erlon Verlag, 2012 (C. Bori);

    G.S. REYNOLDS (ed.), New Perspectives on the Qur'an. The Qur'an in its Historical Context 2, Oxon: Routledge, 2011 (C. Bori);

    Galeni De differentiis febrium. Libri duo Arabice Conversi, a cura di Claudio de Stefani, Pisa - Roma: Fabrizio Serra Ed., 2011 (F. Bellino);

    H.A. SHEHADA, Mamluks and Animals. Veterinary Medicine in Medieval Islam, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2013 (A. Ghersetti).

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