The Kingdom of Bamiyan: Buddhist Art and Culture of the Hindu Kush - Deborah Klimburg-Salter ( Series Maior V)


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    Editore: Istituto Universitario Orientale
    pp. XX-226, 118 figure b/n f. t., Napoli-Roma

    Foreword and Acknowledgements
    List of Plates
    List of Abbreviations
    Maps 1 and 2
    PART I: The Buddhist Culture of the Hindu Kush
    Chapter I – Introduction
    Previous Studies: The Art Historical Problem
    Chapter II – Geographical Description
    The Kingdom of Bāmiyān and the Bāmiyān Valley
    Chapter III – The History of the Hindu Kush and Adjacent Areas Historical and Geographical Background
    Sources for the Study of the History of the Hindu Kush Numismatic Evidence for Eastern Afghanistan Archaeological and Artistic Evidence
    History of the Hindu Kush in the Sixth to Ninth Centuries
    Chapter IV – Religion in the Hindu Kush and Adjacent Areas Forms of Buddhism: Hīnayāna, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna – Exoteric Schools Vajrayāna- Exoteric School of the Mahayana Buddhist Art and Doctrine Archaeological and Literary Evidence for Buddhism in Central Asia and India; Swat and Gandhāra; Greater Kashmir; Central Asia
    Indian Subcontinent
    Buddhism in Eastern Afghanistan and the Hindu Kush Literary Evidence for Buddhism in the Hindu Kush The Mahāsāmghika and the Lokottaravādin
    The Mahāvastu
    The Srī-mālā-sūtra
    The Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa (MMK)
    PART II: The Art of the Hindu Kush
    Chapter V – The Archaeological Sites of the Hindu Kush Sixth to Ninth Centuries
    Bāmiyān and the Buddhist Complex; Folādi
    Chapter VI – A Relative Chronology for the Buddhist Art of the Hindu Kush
    Criteria for a Stylistic Analysis Technique of Painting
    Style of Figures
    Comparative Stylistic Analysis; Phase I; Phase II
    The Colossal Sculptures of Bāmiyān
    A Relative Chronology for the Art of the Bāmiyān Valley
    Chapter VII – Some Buddhist Themes in the Art of the Hindu Kush Iconographic Choices
    The Mandala
    Paradise Scenes
    The Spiritual Career of Śākyamuni
    The Buddha-to-Be Śākyamuni in the Tumita Heaven The Visual Source
    The Vitarkamudrā
    The Triple-Crescent Crown; The Three-Pointed Cape; Shoulder Effulgences
    The Abhiseka Ceremony and the Adaptation of Royal Symbolism Postscript
    The Iconographic Program at Bāmiyān Maitreya
    Dipankara Buddha
    The Buddha in Mahāparanirvāna
    Bāmiyān: The Iconographic Program in the Main Façade
    Chapter VIII – The Meaning and Function of the Buddhist Complex in the Bāmiyān Valley; The Buddhist Pilgrimage Complex
    State Ceremonial at Bāmiyān: The Pañcavārsika Courtly Traditions in the Hindu Kush Pre-Islamic Society in the Kingdom of Bāmiyān The Function
    Chapter IX – Conclusion
    Descriptive Catalogue of the Buddhist Sites of the Hindu Kush
    Appendix I – The Kyoto University Archaeological Mission to Central Asia: Enumeration of the Caves in the Bāmiyān Valley
    Appendix II – Comparative Formal Analysis of the Paintings of the Hindu Kush
    Appendix III – Restoration of the Bāmiyān Buddhas by R. Sengupta