Printing and Humanism in Renaissance Italy. Essay on the Revival of the Pagan Gods - M.D. FELD - RR inedita 65 saggi


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    Collana Inedita Saggi
    In 8°, bross. edit., 298 pp., b/n


    Foreword by Marino Zorzi

    Introduction by Cynthia M. Pyle


    Note on the Text

    Bibliography of Works Published by M.D. Feld

    Chapter I: The Early Evolution of the Authoritative Text

    Chapter II: Constructed Letters and Illuminated Texts: Regiomontanus, Leon Battista Alberti, and the Origins of Roman Type

    Chapter III: Sweynheym and Pannartz, Cardinal Bessarion, Neoplatonism: Renaissance Humanism and Two Early Printers’ Choice of Texts

    Chapter IV: The Sibyls of Subiaco: Sweynheym and Pannartz and the Editio Princeps of Lactantius

    Chapter V: A Theory of the Early Italian Printing Firm. Part I: Variants of Humanism

    Chapter VI: Theory of the Early Italian Printing Firm. Part II: The Political Economy of Patronage

    Appendix I: The First Roman Printers and the Idioms of Humanism [[An Exhibition]]

    - - An Introduction

    - - Bibliographies Cited

    - - Catalog of the Exhibition

    Appendix II: Review Article by Giuseppe Lombardi (1991) Translated by Cynthia M. Pyle

    General Index (Persons and Subjects)

    This book presents a highly interdisciplinary Renaissance story, the intellectual history of the introduction of printing into Italy, 1464-1473, under the auspices of Nicholas of Cusa, Cardinal Bessarion, and the Mainz printers Sweynheym and Pannartz, printing first at Subiaco, then in Rome. It is a tale of 15th century syncretism in the context of Roman humanism: the politically astute sequencing of Pagan and Church texts in an elaborately planned printing program, edited and with prefaces by Giovanni Andrea Bussi, and later edited by Niccolò Perotti.

    Questo libro ci offre una visione pienamente interdisciplinare di una vicenda rinascimentale: la storia intellettuale dell'introduzione della stampa in Italia, 1464-1473, da parte dei due stampatori di Magonza, Sweynehym e Pannartz, che operarono prima a Subiaco, poi a Roma, con il sostegno di Niccolò Cusano e del cardinal Bessarione. È una storia del sincretismo nel contesto dell'umanesimo romano: la stampa di una sequenza politicamente astuta di testi pagani ed ecclesiastici secondo un programma pianificato di edizioni, curate e con prefazioni di Giovanni Andrea Bussi, e più tardi curate da Niccolò Perotti.