VICINO ORIENTE - Vol. XVIII (18) /2014 ISSN 0393-0300


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     L. Nigro - Editoriale


    M. Jafari-Dehaghi - Čahār zahagān in Middle Persian literature

    S. Seminara - Beyond the words. Some considerations about the word "to translate" in Sumerian

    R. Francia - Gli Ittiti e la loro riscoperta nella Turchia repubblicana

    K. Rashid Rahim - C.G. Cereti - L. Colliva - A. Fusaro - C. Insom - G. Labisi - S. Mancini - J. Bogdani - M. Galuppi - G. Terribili - MAIKI, Missione Archeologica Italiana nel Kurdistan Iracheno: la carta archeologica dell'area di Paikuli, obiettivi e metodologie applicate

    L. Nigro - The Copper Route and the Egyptian connection in 3rd millennium BC Jordan seen from the caravan city of Khirbet al-Batrawy

    M. Sala - EB II-III aegyptiaca east of the Jordan: a reevaluation of trade and cultural interactions between Egypt and Transjordanian urban centres

    C. Fiaccavento - Two EB III Red Polished jugs from Palace B in Khirbet al-Batrawy and jugs with Reserved Alternate-Hatching Decoration (RAHD) from Palestine and Transjordan

    D. Montanari - An EB IV dagger from Tell es-Sultan/Jericho

    F. Spagnoli - Una brocchetta dipinta dal Tempio di Astarte nell'Area sacra del Kothon a Mozia

    B. D'Andrea - Nuove stele dal Tofet di Mozia

    A. Orsingher - Listen and protect: reconsidering the grinning masks after a recent find from Motya