Secundus Taciturnus. Aethiopistische Forschungen - Vol. 81/2015

di Aa.Vv.

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  • Prezzo: € 110.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    Die arabischen, äthiopischen und syrischen Textzeugen einer didaktischen Novelle aus der römischen Kaiserzeit. Mit einem Beitrag von Stefan Weninger zur Übersetzungssprache der äthiopischen Version.

    In 8°, rilegatura rigida, 208 pp.

    The monographic series Aethiopistische Forschungen (=AEF) was launched in 1977 by Ernst Hammerschmidt. It was published by the Franz Steiner Verlag until 1992 (vol. 34). Since vol. 35 (1994) the publication has been taken over by the Harrassowitz Verlag. Since 1995 the editor-in-chief has been Siegbert Uhlig.

    The series contains monographs representing the whole spectrum of the field of Ethiopian studies: from the history of the book and the text to art history, from language studies to critical text editions, from theology to ethnography, from diplomatic history to modern literatures, from lexicographic and bibliographic studies to collections of papers on various topics. Authors from circa 20 countries worldwide have contributed to the over 80 series volumes, written in a variety of European languages (German, English, French, Italian).