AAD Algorithms. Aided Design.Parametric Strategies using Grasshopper - Arturo Tedeschi

di Arturo Tedeschi

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  • Prezzo: € 40.00
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    Pagine: 496 illustrated - Full color book
    Formato: 17x24
    Peso: 1.12 kg 


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    Algorithmic design is not simply the use of computer to design architecture and objects. Algorithms allow designers to overcome the limitations of traditional CAD software and 3D modelers, reaching a level of complexity and control which is beyond the human manual ability. Algorithms-Aided Design presents design methods based on the use of Grasshopper®, a visual algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhinoceros®, the 3D modeling software by McNeel & Associates allowing users to explore accurate freeform shapes. The book provides computational techniques to develop and control complex geometries, covering parametric modeling, digital fabrication techniques, form-finding strategies, environmental analysis and structural optimization. It also features case studies and contributions by researchers and designers from world’s most influential universities and leading architecture firms.