Urbanism and Settlement in the Roman Province of Moesia Superior - BAR S2367

di Dragana Mladenovi?

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  • Prezzo: € 67.00
    Aggiungi Carrello


    IV+253 pages; illustrated throughout; includes Gazetteer .

    The study presented here therefore represents an analysis of just one aspect of observed cultural change, that of settlement patterns, and comprises in the main part of a geo-referenced Site Gazetteer, compiled to study changes in settlement patterns. The data is provided in the main as a platform for further research and analysis, and in the first instance this book thus provides a compilation of primary data with comprehensive bibliographies for further research for those with an interest in the pre-Roman and Roman settlement of the Central Balkans. In the chapters that precede the Gazetteer an analysis of the settlement patterns is presented and discussed, contextualizing the results and providing interpretation. For the reader not familiar with the historical geography of the region the opening sections provide a necessary background with references for further reading.