HANE/M - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs
The body of the king. The staging of the body of the institutional leader from antiquity to middle ages in east and west - G. Lanfranchi, R. Rollinger - History of the Ancient Near East. Monograph XVI
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2017
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 9788895672380
Paleonutrition and food practices in the ancient near east. Towards a multidisciplinary approach - Lucio Milano - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 14 - Milano L.; Bertoldi F.
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2014
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 978-88-95672-11-3
La serie teratomantica �umma izbu: testo, tradizione, orizzonti culturali (in 2 voll.) - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; XV (HANE/M 15) - Nicla De Zorzi
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2014
Orientalistica e filologia orientale
ISBN: 978-88-95672-35-9
Alimenti e pratiche alimentari in Assiria: le materie alimentari nel culto ufficiale dell'Assiria del primo millennio a.C. - Collana History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 13
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2012
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 97888895672298
Semitic onomastics from Dura Europos. The names in greek script and from latin epigraphs - Collana History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 12
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2012
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 9788895672236
Concepts of kingship in antiquity: proceedings of the European Science Foundation exploratory workshop held in Padova, November 28.-December 1., 2007 - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 11
Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Robert Rollinger
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2011
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 9788895672014
CAMSEMUD 2007 : proceedings of the 13th Italian meeting of Afro-Asiatic linguistics. Held in Udine, May 21st-24th, 2007 - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 10 - edited by Frederick Mario Fales & Giulia Francesca Grassi
Frederick Mario Fales, Giulia F. Grassi
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2010
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 9788895672052
Le adozioni a Emar - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 9
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2009
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 9788895672090
Le lettere tra i re ittiti e i re assiri ritrovate a attuša - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 7 edit by Clelia Mora, Mauro Giorgieri
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2005
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
Prebende templari in età seleucide - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 8 - edit by Paola Corò
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2005
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
Tell Shiukh Fawqani, 1994-1998 - Collana History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 6 - Luc Bachelot, Frederick Mario Fales
Luc Bachelot, Frederick Mario Fales
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2005
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 8890128674
Continuity of empire: Assyria, Media, Persia - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 5 - edited by Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Michael Roaf, Robert Rollinger
Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Michael Roaf, Robert Rollinger
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2003
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
Landscapes: territories, frontiers and horizons in the ancient near East. Papers presented to the 44. Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Venezia 7-11 July 1997 - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 3
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2000
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
Patavina Orientalia selecta - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 4 - edited by Elena Rova
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 2000
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
Texts from the vicinity of Emar in the collection of Jonathan Rosen - History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 2
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 1997
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
Tra il fiume e la steppa. Insediamento e uso del territorio nella bassa valle del fiume Habur in eopca neo-assira - Collana History of the ancient Near East. Monographs; 1
Sargon Editrice Libreria - Padova, 1996
Archeologia del Vicino Oriente
ISBN: 9788895672335