Ceremonies, Custom and Prayer: Coronations and Entombments at St. Peter’s (Monuments and the Art of Mourning)


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    Contributo all'interno di Monuments and the Art of Mourning. The Tombs of Popes and Princes in St. Peter’s - Philipp Fehl

    Description: revised and completed by Raina Fehl. edited by Richard Bösel and Raina Fehl. Rome: Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archaeologia Storia e Storia dell’arte in Roma, 2007. 24cm., pbk., 201pp. text, 38 illus. Includes: Tombs from Old St. Peter’s in the New Church; Christian Humility and the Colossal Tomb - Michelangelo at St. Peter’s; Majesty, Prayer, and the Image of Death - Bernini at St. Peter’s; etc.