Niccolò Stenone (1638-1686). Anatomista, geologo, vescovo. Supplementum XXXI, K. Ascani, H. Kermit e G. Skytte (eds.)

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    H. Kermit e G. Skytte: Prefazione
    H. Salvesen: The Holistic Scientist Niels Stensen and the University Ideals and Challengs.
    S. Holsting: A Homage.
    H. Kermit: The Life of Niels Stensen
    H. Kermit: The Oneness in Niels Stensen's Life.
    P. Totaro: "Ho certi amici in Ollandia": Stensen and Spinoza - science verso faith.
    AV. Vad: Polidore and Théophile: the ratinalist and the faithful Observer.
    J.M. Hansen: Il giudizio di Stenone sulla metodologia cartesiana.
    T. Kardel: On "Perhaps the Weakest" og Stenone's Works: What Causes Muscular Movement, Inflation or Contraction?
    S. De Rosa: Cosimo III de'Medici e Niccolò Stenone.
    K.E. Børresen: Some Approaches to Niels Stensten's Theology.
    A. Ziggelaar S.J.: L'evoluzione spirituale di Niccolò Stenone giovane.N. Stensen: Chronology.