Between the rivers and over the mountains. Archaeologica anatolica et mesopotamica Alba Palmieri dedicata. Frangipane Marcella , Hauptmann H. , Liverani Mario - non disponibile

di Marcella Frangipane

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    Anno di Edizione: 1993
    Rilegatura: Brossura
    Pagine: 628
    Formato: 24 x 30 cm

    Un ricordo di Alba Palmieri Remembering Alba Palmieri R.J. Braidwood, Some Selected Archeological Reflections The Pre-Urban Periods G. Arsebuk, Yarimburgaz, a Lower Palaeolithic Cave Site near Istanbul H. Hauptmann, Ein Kultgebaude in Nevali Cori O. Aurenche, L'Origine de la brique dans le Proche Orient ancien M. and A. Ozdogan, Pre-Halafian Potter of Southeastern Anatolia U. Esin, The Relief Decorations on the Prehistoric Pottery of Tulintepe in Eastern Anatolia The Early Urban Era H.J. Nissen, The Early Uruk Period - A Sketch M, Frangipane, Local Components in the Development of Centralized Societies in Syro-Anatolian Regions M.S. Rothman, Another Look at the "Uruk Expansion" from the Tigris Piedmont M.G. Trentin, The Early Reserved Slip Wares Horizon of the Upper Euphrates Basin and Western Syria D. Schmandt-Besserat, Images of Enship G. Algaze, Processual Regularities in the Expansino of Early Sumerian and Mature Harappan Civilizations Glyptic and Administration H. Pittman, Pictures of an Administration: the late Uruk Scribe at Work M. Behm-Blanke, Gyliptische Traditionen Beiderseits des Ost-Taurus im Ausgehenden 4. und Fruhen 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr P. Amiet, Rayonnement mesopotamien et originalité syrienne. A propos de quelques sceaux-cylindres du Louvre P. Ferioli and E. Fiandra, Arslantepe Locks and the Samas "Key" J. Oates, An Akkadiann Administrative Device from Tell Brak The Bronze Age in Syro-Anatolian Regions Eastern Anatolia C. Burney, Arslantepe as a Gateway to the highlands: a Note on Periods VIA-VID I. Caneva, From Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age III at Arslantepe: a Lithic Perspective S. Bokonyi, Hunting in Arslantepe, Anatolia A.M. Conti and C. Persiani, When Worlds Collide. Cultural Developments in Eastern Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age G.M. Di Nocera, Die Mittelbronzezeitliche Keramik von Arslantepe: einige Vorlaufige Bemerkungen N. Yardimci, Excavations, Surveys and Restoration Work at Harran Transcaucasia and Caucasus A. Sagona, Settlement and Society in Late Prehistoric Trans-Caucasus O. Dzhaparidze, Uber die Ethnokulturelle Situation in Georgien gegen Ende III Jahrtausend v. Chr Southern and Central Anatolia M. Mellink, The Anatolian South Coast in the Ealry Bronze Age: the Cilician Perspective T. Ozguc, Alabaster Idols and Statuettes from Kultepe N. Ozguc, An Early Bronze Age Pot Grave of a Child from Acemhoyuk Syria P. Matthiae, On this Side of the Euphrates. A Note on the Urban Origins in Inner Syria P.E. Pecorella, Uno scavo oltre la linea e alcuni problemi ceramici Ancient Metallurgy A. Hauptmann, J. Lutz, E. Pernicka, U. Yalcin, Zur Technologie der Fruhesten Kupferverhuttung im Ostlichen Mittelmeerraum A.M. Palmieri, K. Sertok, E. Chernykh, From Arslantepe Metalwork to Arsenical Copper technology in Eastern Anatolia O. Bilgi, Some Unstratified Metal Weapons from the East Anatolian Museums O. Belli, Neue Funde Steinerner Gussformen aus Akcadag bei Malatya A. Archi, Bronze Alloys in Ebla