Eurasian Studies Vol. IV 1-2 2005

di Aa.Vv.

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    Volume IV Number 1 June 2005
    ¹smail Hakk› Kad›,
    Jan Schmidt
    Paul Maashoek, Dutch merchant and adventurer
    in Palestine (1669-1711)
    Giorgio Rota A new date for the death of Giorgi Saak’adze 19
    Giovanni Canova Critical attitudes toward Arabic folk epics 29
    Anne Marie Touzard Les voyageurs français en Perse de 1600 à 1730 41
    Giulio Colapaoli The ¼Ulam…-yi Isl…m II: an open question 75
    Kate Daniels Turkish and Ottoman motifs in Arabic literature
    from the Nahÿa to the end of the caliphate 99
    Svetlana Ivanova Review article: A History of the Jewish
    Community in Istanbul the Formative Years, 1453-
    1566 (M. Rozen). 129
    Reviews 139
    Recent Articles 155

    Volume IV Number 2 December 2005
    Géza David and
    Pál Fodor
    Changes in the structure and strength of the
    Timariot army from the early sixteenth to the end
    of the seventeenth century
    Giovanni Canova Animals in Islamic Paradise and Hell 189
    Matthias Kappler The “Geography of Beauty” as a metaphorical
    device in Ottoman #ehr-engîz literature 205
    Colin Imber ‘An illiberal descent’:
    Kemalism and Ottoman law 215
    Maria Li Puma The Turkish grammars by Francesco Maria
    Maggio Theatine missionary in Georgia
    (1636-1641) 245
    Reviews 261