Eurasian Studies, vol. II/ 2003

di Aa.Vv.

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    Volume II Number 1 June 2003
    Paul E. Losensky The palace of praise and the melons of time:
    descriptive patterns in ¼Abd† Bayk Š†r…z†’s Garden
    of Eden 1
    Kate Fleet Appalto and Gabella: farmed tax or monopoly? 31
    Willem Floor The Lost files of Jean Billon de Cancerille and
    French-Persian relations at the beginning of the
    eighteenth century 43
    Gottfried Hagen Translations and translators in a multilingual
    society: a case study of Persian-Ottoman
    translations, late fifteenth to early seventeenth
    century 95
    Thurston Robinson
    Maurits van den
    Review article: Albanian histories (Winnifrith,
    T.J.; Schnitt, O.J.; Fleming, K.E.)
    Reviews 145
    Recent Articles 163