The Romans before adversity Forms of reaction and strategies to manage change - Juan Manuel BERMÚDEZ LORENZO, Jordi PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ


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    Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma
    Data di pubblicazione: 03 dicembre 2021
    Pagine: 376
    Formato (cm): 14 x 21
    Allestimento: brossura
    Peso (g): 459

    The book was born with the aim of offering a space for reflection and debate on the forms of intellectual analysis and reaction developed by Roman society in relation to catastrophic phenomena, both those of natural origination and those derived from concrete human decision-making. The main interest was focused on understanding those moments in which the daily life of Romans changed for the worse and on describing the different responses on the part of policy-makers and individuals before these critical situations, in which not everyone is able to overcome these episodes and some even take advantage of the situation opportunistically.