SMEA - Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici. N. S. Vol. 5 / 2019


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    A cura di: Anna Lucia D'Agata
    Anno edizione: 2020
    Collana: SMEA - Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici , 5
    Isbn: 978-88-5491-010-2; Issn: 1126-6651
    e-Isbn: 978-88-5491-015-7 ; e-Issn: 2532-1757
    Materie: Archeologia
    Formato: 21x27
    Pagine: 192


    Oliver Dickinson, The Use and Misuse of the Ahhiyawa Texts

    Giampaolo Graziadio, Some Considerations on the Connections between Western Peloponnese and Cyprus in the Mycenaean Period

    Davide Nadali, Speaking Pictures, Writing Words: On the Interplay of Communication in Ancient Mesopotamia

    Laura Puértolas Rubio, How to Bewitch Someone: Bewitching Techniques According to Incantations in the Hittite and Luwian Ritual Texts

    Ester Salgarella, Non-Connective Behaviour of the Particle –Qe in the Linear B Documents from Pylos

    Political Boundaries and Cultural Contacts during the Iron Age in South-East Anatolia: Cilicia, Amuq and the Kara Su Valley

    Anna Lucia D’Agata, Misis (ancient Mopsouestia) and the Plain of Cilicia in the Early First Millennium BC: Material Entanglements, Cultural Boundaries, and Local Identities

    Sabine Kuleimann, Hanna Mönninghoff, Hybridity of Style: Iron Age Pottery from Sirkeli Höyük

    Marina Pucci, The Iron Age Sequence in the Amuq

    Sebastiano Soldi, The Iron Age Pottery of Zincirli Höyük: An Assemblage Among Neighbouring Traditions