CORNUCOPIA. Studies in honor of Arthur Segal - Archaeologica, 180


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    M. Eisenberg and A. Ovadiah Archaeologica, 180 2019, pp. XVIII-326, 53 col. photos, 100 ill., cm 21,5 x 30, Brossura ISSN 0391-9293

    Foreword  Arthur Segal: Curriculum Vitae Michael Sommer - «Sick not only in body…». Apollo Grannus and the emperor enchanted Achim Lichtenberger - Jerusalem and beyond; Cities, Sanctuaries and centrality in the kingdom of Herod Frank Sear - Discrimina ordinum in theatres. The archaeological evidence Jacques Seigne - Gerasa: un aperçu du développement urbain, de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque omeyyade Asher Ovadiah - The images of the early christian church in the mirror of patristic literary sources Michael Eisenberg - The propylaeum of the extra muros sanctuary at Hippos Werner Eck, Dirk Kossmann - Zu inschriften der römischen führungsmacht aus Israel Amos Kloner, Boaz Zissu - Hellenistic residences at Maresha (Marissa) Ronny Reich, Yuval Baruch - The Herodian Temple Mount in Jerusalem: a few remarks on its construction and appearance Walid Atrash, Gabriel Mazor - Entertainment facilities at Nysa-Scythopolis Rivka Gersht, Peter Gendelman - Tombs and burial customs in Roman and Byzantine Caesarea Menahem Mor - From Shalem (  Jerusalem) to Tel Shalem: Hadrian’s visit in provincia Judaea Rebecca Toueg - R. G. Collingwood: King Arthur’s Round Table Yinon Shivtiel, Mechael Osband - A methodological perspective on the chronology and typology of the hiding complexes in the Galilee Arleta Kowalewska - The southern bathhouse of Antiochia Hippos of the Decapolis Chaim Ben David - The Boundaries of Hippos-Sussita during the Roman and Byzantine periods Sarah Gilboa-Karni - Liberty, citizenship, fertility, elysium. Liber Pater/Bacchus in the gardens of the bay of Naples Estee Dvorjetski - ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’. Physical culture, sport, and leisure in the land of Israel from Biblical times to the late Roman Empire