Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria - Vol. 140/2017
di Aa.Vv.
- Anno Edizione:
- 2019
- Casa Editrice:
- Argomento:
- Storia romana
Volume 140 (2017)
marzo 2019, pp. 270
FEDERICO MICCIARELLI, Le pergamene inedite di Angelo scriniario Sancte Romane Ecclesie
CHIARA CECALUPO, Composizione e struttura del ms. Vall. G 31. Per una migliore comprensione della genesi e della pubblicazione della Roma sotterranea di Antonio Bosio e Giovanni Severano
FRANÇOIS FOSSIER, La Mission de La Porte du Theil à Rome (1776-1786)
LAURA GIGLI, L’edicola mariana di vicolo del Leopardo. Un pregevole manufatto di gusto tra il classico e il rocail-le
AMEDEO BENEDETTI, Appunti per la storia di una prestigiosa istituzione culturale romana: la Società Geografica Italiana
VINCENZO G. PACIFICI, L’azione e la presenza dei deputati eletti nel Lazio alla Camera negli anni del I conflitto mondiale
Periodici pervenuti alla Società, a cura di FRANCESCA PARDINI
Pubblicazioni pervenute alla Società, a cura di FRANCESCA PARDINI
Necrologi. Giuseppe Scalia (ALBERTO BARTOLA)
Notizie. Deputazioni e Società di storia patria: quale presente e quale futuro?
Vivere la città. Roma nel Rinascimento, Roma, 15-16 dicembre 2017 (MATTEO BRIASCO)
Atti della Società
Cariche Sociali
The unpublished documents of Angelo, scriniarius Sancte Romane Ecclesie
Federico Micciarelli
This essay is the edition of six original documents by Angelo, scriniarius Sancte Romane Ecclesie, written between 1202 and 1227. The documents are of a private and legal nature concerning four sales, a will and a sale agreement.
Composition and structure of manuscript Vall. G 31. Toward a better understanding of the origins and publication of “Roma sotterranea” [Subterranean Rome] by Antonio Bosio and Giovanni Severano
Chiara Cecalupo
The text of the original draft of Roma Sotterranea by Antonio Bosio, published by Giovanni Severano in 1634, is conserved in Manuscript G 31 held in the Vallicelliana Library. The essay analyses the contents of the manuscript and compares it to the printed version of the work.
La Porte du Theil’s mission in Rome (1776-1786)
François Fossier
The essay contains the complete Relazione [report] of the mission undertaken by Gabriel de La Porte du Theil in Rome, part of which was published in the Mémoires de l’Académie des inscriptions [Memoirs of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres] in 1793. The aim of La Porte du Theil’s mission was to identify and transcribe the documents on the history of the Church in France held in Roman archives and libraries. The text of the Relazione is conserved in manuscript Moreau 316 in the French National Library.
The Marian shrine in Vicolo del Leopardo. An important artefact in a style between Classic and Ro-caille
The essay describes the historic and artistic characteristics of the Marian shrine located in a building in Vicolo del Leopardo in Trastevere. The recently restored shrine is contemporary with the construction of the building (first half of the XVIII century). The unknown painter of the fresco has followed the religious and artistic practices current in Rome in the mid-18th century.
Notes on the history of a prestigious Roman cultural institution: the Italian Geographical Society
Amedeo Benedetti
The essay relates the history of the Italian Geographical Society, founded in Florence in 1867 on the model of similar institutions that already existed in France (1821), Germany (1829) and Great Britain (1830). The Society currently has around 1600 members and provides scholars with a specialised library, photographic archive and extensive collection of maps.
The activities and presence in the Chamber of elected representatives from Lazio during the First World War
Vincenzo G. Pacifici
Voting to elect 508 representatives to the XXIV legislature of the Kingdom of Italy took place between 26 October and 2 November 1913. This essay is an account of the presence and activities of the selected repre-sentatives in the 15 Electoral Colleges of Rome and Lazio.