The Orientalizing and Lucanian Tombs from Loc. De Santis I at Pontecagnano - von Mehren Margit - Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa 52


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    Sommario: Foreword and Acknowledgements
    Abbreviations and symbols used

    Part I: The Orientalizing material
    1. Funerary ritual
    1.1 The tombs
    1.2 Distribution of tombs
    1.3 Outstanding entombments
    1.4 Grave goods

    2. Chronology
    2.1 Chronology, relative
    2.2 Chronology, absolute
    2.3 Dating of tombs without Pontecagnano amphorae

    3. Catalogue of the Orientalizing material
    3.1. Introduction to the catalogue
    3.2. The individual tombs and their contents

    Part II: The Lucanian material (4th to 3rd centuries BC)
    4. Tombs and grave goods
    4.1 The tombs
    4.2 The grave goods
    5. Catalogue of the Lucanian material
    5.1 Introduction to the catalogue
    5.2. The individual tombs and their contents

    Part III: Illustrations

    Introduction and list of credit for the illustrations