Ceramics in Archaeology. From Prehistoric to Medieval times in Europe and the Mediterranean: Ancient Craftsmanship and Modern Laboratory Techniques. 2 Vols - Cuomo di Caprio Ninina


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    Rilegatura: Brossura
    Pagine: 700, 260 ill. B/N
    Formato: 21 x 28 cm

    From the Foreword by prof. David P. Peacock, University of Southampton, UK
    This manual on pottery-making in antiquity is a compendium of almost everything bearing on the interpretation of ancient ceramics in antiquity Because of this, it is likely to remain a standard work for many years to come. Both the student and the more experienced researcher will benefit from this book and will find it easy to follow because of the lively presentation. The whole subject of ceramics is here, from clay acquisition to kilns and firing, backed with an extensive bibliography. It is a work of reference which should have a place on every archaeologist' s bookshelf from their first day at University until retirement
    Part Two is titled Modern Laboratory Techniques and provides a summary of the most widely used scientific techniques which can aid the archaeologist in the understanding and interpretation of ancient ceramics.

    Series Editor: Roberto Marcucci
    Advisory English Editor: Philip M. Kenrick.

    Selected Bibliography:

    Cuomo di Caprio, Ninina
    1972 Proposta di classificazione delle fornaci per ceramica e laterizi nell' area italiana, in Sibrium 11, 1971-72, pp. 371-464
    1982 Ceramica rustica tradizionale in Puglia, Galatina, Lecce 1982
    1985 La ceramica in archeologia. Antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderne tecniche di analisi, Rome 1985 (reprinted 1988)
    1992 Fornaci e officine da vasaio tardo ellenistiche, Morgantina Studies, vol. III, Princeton, New Jersey 1992
    1993 La galleria dei falsi. Dal vasaio al mercato di antiquariato, Rome 1993
    2007 Ceramica in archeologia 2. Antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderne tecniche di analisi, (enlarged and revised 1985 edition), Rome 2007.