The Miraculous Image in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Supplementum XXXV/2004, ed.: Erik Thunø og Gerhard Wolf

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    . Thunø e G. Wolf: Preface
    A. Vauchez: Introduction
    R. C. Trexler: Being and Non-Being. Parameters of the Micaculous in the Traditional Religious Image
    E. Thunø: The Miraculous Image and the Centralized Church. Santa Maria della Consolacione in Todi
    P. Davies: The Lighting of Pilgrimage Shrines in Renaissance Italy
    R. Maniura: The Images and Miracles of Santa Maria delle Carceri
    M. Holmes: The Elusive Origins of the Cult of the Annunziata in Florence
    G. Barone: Immagini miracolose a Roma alla fine del medio Evo
    B. Kempers: The Pope's two Bodies. Julius II, Raphael and Saint Luke's Vergin of Santa Maria del Popolo
    B. Wisch: Keys to Success. Propriety and Promotion of Miraculous Images by Roman Confraternities
    M. Steen Hansen: Parmigianino and the Defence of a Miraculous Image
    J. Garnett and Gervase Rosett: Translations of the Miraculous. Cult Images and Their Representations in Early Modern Liguria
    M. Bacci: Portolano sacro. Santuari e immagini sacre lungo le rotte di navigazione del mediterraneo tra tardo Medioevo e prima età moderna
    S. Verdi Webster: Shameless Beauty and Worldly Splendor: On the Spanish Practice of Adorning the Virgin
    A. Lidov: The Flying Hodegetria. The Miraculous Icon as Bearer of Sacred Space
    G. Wolf: Le immagini nel Quattrocento tra miracolo e magia. Per una "iconologia" rifondata