The Contexts of Painted Pottery in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Seventh - Fourth Centuries BCE) - BAR S2364

di Dimitris Paleothodoros

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    IV+116 pages; illustrated throughout; papers in English and Italian.

    The papers that form up this collection of studies originate in a session organized by the present author at the 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists at Riva del Garda, in 15-20 September 2009. Contents: Introduction (D. Paleothodoros); 1) Early Sixth-Century Directional Trade: The Evidence of Attic Early Black-Figured Pottery (A. Alexandridou); 2) Sex and the Athenian woman: A contextual analysis of erotic vase-paintings from attic graves of the 5th century BC (D. Paleothodoros); 3) Red-Figure Pottery from Minoa on Amorgos (M. Manoledakis); 4) Forme, immagini e rituali: osservazioni sulla ceramica attica dalle necropolis di Marzabotto (V. Baldoni); 5) Adria e Forcello: Alcune considerazioni sulla ceramica attica figurate proveniente dagli abitati (F. Wiel-Marin); 6) Birth and development of red-figured pottery between Sicily and South Calabria (D. Elia).