Kayd. Studies in history of mathematics, astronomy and astrology in memory of David Pingree - Serie Orientale Roma, CII

di Gherardo Gnoli and Antonio Panaino

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    Descrizione fisica: 156 p., 24 cm. Lingua: inglese, francese
    Indice: Gherardo Gnoli and Antonio Panaino, In Memory of David Pingree, p. VII Giuseppe Bezza, Liber scriptus et liber vivus. Les antécédents astrologiques de la métaphore galiléenne du Livre de l'univers, p. 1 Charles Burnett, Abu Ma'shar (AD 787-888) and His Major Texts on Astrology, p. 17 Stefano Buscherini, Considerations on the Origins of the Sasanian Saturn-Jupiter Conjunctions Theory, p. 31 Salvo De Meis, Eclipses and Conjunctions in the "Thousands of Abu Ma'shar", p. 39 Toke Lindegaard Knudsen, Crystalline Spheres in the Siddhantasundara of Jñanaraja, p. 55 Takanori Kusuba, Geometrical Demonstrations in Sanskrit Texts, p. 59 Antonio Panaino, Sasanian Astronomy and Astrology in the Contribution of David Pingree, p. 73 Enrico G. Raffaelli, The Astrological Chapter of the Skand Gumanig Wizar, p. 105 Sreeramula Rajeswara Sarma, Persian-Sanskrit Lexica and the Dissemination of Islamic Astronomy and Astrology in India, p. 129 Noel M. Swerdlow, Anticipations of Ptolemy's Canobic Inscription in Plutarch's On the Generation of the Soul in the Timaeus, p. 151