FARNESE. Pomp, Power and Politics in renaissance Italy. Supplementum XXXVIII/2007 Helge Gamrath

di Helge Gamrath

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    I Introducion: Objective, Concepts, method and Literature.
    II The general Italian Historical Background
    III The Manifestation of Power. Magnificenza, Renaissance and Humanism
    IV The History og the Farnese Family until 1534
    V The Manifestation and Incipient Magnificenza of the Farnese Family: Isola Bisentina, "Farneseland" and the Palazzo Farnese in Rome (until 1534)
    VI The Farnese Family in International Politics. Paul III, the Papal States and Nepotism (1534-1558)
    VII The Manifestation and Magnificenza of the Farnese Family (1534-1558)
    VIII The Duchies of Parma and Piacenza Restablished and Consolidated (1558-1630)
    IX State and Ducal Magnificenza 1558-1630. Palace Building and Town Planning at Piacenza and Parma, in Caprarola and Rome
    X The farneses and the other Italian Princely Houses
    XI Summing up and Conclusion
    XII Epilogue: The Farnese Dynasty after 1630