XLI. The world of greek vases

di Isler-Kerényi C. Nørskov V. Hannestad L. Lewis S.

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    Illustrazioni: ill. in b/n e a colori - Materie: Archeologia - Formato: 21x29,7 - Allestimento: Brossura - Numero Pagine: 248 - Sommario: Preface; Abbreviations; C. Isler-Kerényi: The study of Figured Pottery Today; V. Stissi: Does Function Follow Form? Archaic Greek Pottery in its Find Contexts: Uses and Meanings; D. Paleothodoros: Archaeological Context and Iconographic Analysis: Case studies from Greece and Etruria; V. Nørskov: The Affairs of Lucien Bonaparte and the Impact on the study of Greek Vases; V. Bellelli: Etrusco-Corinthian Notes. A Class of Pottery and its Socio-Economic Context in Two Centuries of Scholarship; G. Ekroth: Why (not) Paint an Altar? A Study of Where, When and Why Altars Appear on Attic Red-figure Vases; E. Hatzivassiliou: Warriors at a Mound: A Puzzle Scene by the Theseus and Athena Painters; S. Lewis: Athletics on Attic Pottery: Export and Imagery; C. Morgan: Imports on the Dining Table? The Function of Attic Pottery in the Bosphoran Kingdom; D. Elia: Research Perspectives in the Study of South Italian Vase-painting: the Case of Red-figure Pottery from Locri Epizephyrii; E. Kistler: The Encoding and Decoding of Satyr-symposiasts on Vases in Archaic and Classical Athens; R.T. Neer: The Incontinence of Civic Authority: Pictorial Iambos in Athenian Vase-painting ; S. Schmidt: Images of Statues on Attic Vases: The Case of the Tyrannicides. List of Authors. Index.