Current issues in crystal growth - Vol. 38

di Aa. Vv.

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    Aggiungi Carrello


    In 8°, 260 pp., con numerose illustrazini Contents Scientific Committee Sponsors Foreword, by S. Carrà and C. Paorici Vapour growth in microgravity - Case history: cadmiumtelluride, by K.-W. Benz Gravity effects on crystal growth from vapour phase, by L. Carotenuto Bulk growth of silicon carbide from the vapour phase - New approaches to reduce the defect density, by D. Siche, H.-J. Rost, M. Schmidbauer, R. Fornari Stoichiometry related defect detection and control by laser absorption in the vapours of binary crystals, by A. Zappettini » Vapour-liquid-solid mechanism as a tool for the growth of microand nanostructures, by T. Boeck, A. Kramer, P. Schramm, Th. Teubner, P.-M. Wilde, R. Fornari Vapour growth of nanocrystalline diamond and tubular nanographites, by M.L. Terranova, A. Fiori, S. Orlanducci, E. Tamburri, F. Toschi, V. Sessa, M. Rossi Ferromagnet - semiconductor heterostructures for spintronics, by K.H. Ploog Self-assembled zero-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures, by L. Seravalli, G. Trevisi, P. Frigeri, S. Franchi PECVD modeling of thin films deposition, by C. Cavallotti Vapour phase growth of quasi one-dimensional semiconductor nanocrystals, by N. Lovergine, P. Prete Vapour phase epitaxy for GaN substrates, by M. Weyers, E. Richter