Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 81/ 2 - September 2012

di Antonio Gianfagna

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  • Prezzo: € 40.00
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    Anno: 2012
    Pagine: 128
    Formato: 17x24

    Colore: Quadricomia
    Peso: 325.00 gr.

    Andaloro E., De Francesco A.M. and Jacobsen J.K. Undulating Band Style and Fringe Style Matt-Painted Pottery from theSanctuary on the Timpone della Motta in the Sibaritide Area (CS) Calabria -southern Italy
    Romengo N., Landi P. and Rotolo S.G. Evidence of basaltic magma intrusions in a trachytic magma chamber atPantelleria (Italy)
    Costamagna L.G., Cruciani G., Franceschelli M. and Puxeddu M. A volcano-sedimentary sequence with albitite layers in the Variscan basementof NE Sardinia: a petrographical and geochemical study
    Cvetković Z., Logar M, Rosić A. and Ćirić A. Mineral composition of the airborne particles in the coal dust and fly ash ofthe Kolubara basin (Serbia)
    John Deelman Are bacteria capable of precipitating magnesite?
    Teixeira R.J., Neiva A.M. and Gomes M.E. Chromian spinels and magnetite of serpentinites, steatitic rocks, tremoliteasbestos and chloritites from Bragança massif, northeastern Portugal
    Oberti R., Cannillo E. and Toscani G. How to name amphiboles after the IMA2012 report: rules of thumb and anew PC program for monoclinic amphiboles